11 ways to sell more products to your customers
“If only I’d known you provided that”
This is a sentence that many customers have probably uttered over the years. No matter how hard we try, most of our customers don’t know anything about at least some of the many products and services that we offer. I’ve certainly come up against this issue myself.
How many opportunities are we losing as a result of this? How much money is this costing us?
It’s essential to make sure you promote all your products and services
Printing companies that are good at this create stronger partnerships with their clients. Their customers are less likely to head off to other suppliers for print requirements. They have more control over the relationship. They are more likely to achieve higher turnover and profit levels from their customers.
This all sounds great. But telling customers about all your printing services and products is easier said than done! Most clients are not willing to give you half an hour so you can do a complete portfolio overview…

Are you shouting about your products enough?
Here are 11 ways you can tell customers more about what you do
- Make sure your website has an easy to navigate overview of all your products or services (and I know mine has at least one gap…)
- Tell customers more about different products and services in your brochure. You could even have a series of brochures related around product or service themes
- Mention a specific product or service in your e-mail signature. And make sure you change it every couple of weeks
- Send samples of related products when you make a delivery
- Include a product or service flyer with all your quotes and invoices
- Feature a product or service in every newsletter or e-mail you send. Don’t make this the main feature but have it in a sidebar or as a PS
- Add a PS with a related product or service as an upsell on each quote
- Suggest related products or services when talking specifications with customers
- Talk about your products and service on social media
- Hold interview with your key customers. Find out what they really need. Use this information to direct your sales efforts at a later date
- Make sure your customer testimonials focus on specific products and services – and make sure you feature a LOT of testimonials on your website, in your brochure and in all your publicity
“11 ways to sell more products to your customers” https://t.co/aQR0bx3Szd #sales #print
— Matthew Parker (@PrintChampion) March 21, 2016
Here is a simple action point for you
Make a commitment to yourself. Put at least one of these strategies into use for two customers within the next week.
You might find that you make an unexpected sale! And your customers are much less likely to say: “If only I’d known you provided that”.