5 trends that will affect the printing industry in 2024
How far can you see into the future?
I listened to a podcast recently where the presenter said that they used to be happy predicting five-year trends. However, now they struggle with more than six months.
I felt it important to share some of the issues that I think printing companies should be thinking about at the start of the year. Will they be the same ones as I recommend at the end of the year? We will have to wait and see!
Carbon measurement
This is going to become even more important in 2024. Not only is this the right thing for the environment, but the brands (and many other smaller organisations) are demanding this. You will have to be able to measure the carbon footprint of each or your products. And you will need to demonstrate a meaningful and measurable carbon reduction plan. Otherwise you will find that there are increasing numbers of organisations that will refuse to work with you.
Single use
We all know the issues around single use plastic. Expect the single use issue to spread to other substances as well – including paper. Printing companies should be thinking about how to adapt to manage this.
Experiential marketing
Marketing is evolving. The challenge to print will no longer be about e-mails and adwords. But print will still have to fight to be part of a multi-channel marketing mix. It will just take a different form from now on.
The algorithm
Peoples’ choices are being dictated more and more by the algorithm. What are you doing to make sure that the algorithm works for you? And is the algorithm affecting the decisions you make about how to develop your company?
Artificial Intelligence
It seems like everyone has something to say about AI at the moment. However, there should be no doubt that AI is going to create some very big challenges and opportunities for the printing industry.
I am going to write about all these issues in more detail
Look out for my new series, starting on Thursday when I will write more about carbon measurement.
There’s one other thing you should be doing at the beginning of the year
Everyone should be putting together a realistic sales plan. That means making sure you are planning the right activities as well as setting the right numbers. It also means measuring the activity to make sure it is achieving the right results. You should be able to know whether you are on target or not very early on in the process. “How To Succeed At Print Sales” tells how to create plans like this, as well as teaching a lot of practical tip that make sure you are more effective as a sales person.