5 ways to make your content more readable
Have you ever given up on reading a blog?
We have all struggled to read what is in front of us at some point. Faced by a sea of small text and long, complicated sentences, it is hard to keep reading. No matter how interesting the content, a badly written blog will struggle to gain an audience.
On the other hand, blogs that are written to appeal to their audience will gain popularity. They will achieve results for the companies that post them and build new connections with their readers.
Writing readable content isn’t as hard as it sounds
Here are five simple rules that will make your content more readable:
Use short sentences
One of the main things that stops people reading is too many words. Long sentences are hard to digest. This applies particularly to online content. Reading habits are different on the screen. If your sentence seems too long, split it into two. Consider doing this if your sentence is 20 words or more.
Use subheads
Text is much easier to read when it is broken up. The easiest way to achieve this is to use subheads every two or three paragraphs. Make they are bold and in a different colour. They also allow people to skim read, stopping at the bit that really interests them.
Avoid technical language
It is easy to use terms we are familiar with. The trouble is that most people don’t understand common print industry terms. Even simple things such as four colour or CMYK sound confusing and intimidating. Make sure you translate everything you say into simple language.
Use pictures
Pictures are a great way to gain a first impression. The right image can make someone want to read further. Pictures can also stop someone skim reading too much. Putting one in the middle of a blog can act as an anchor. Remember to caption your images to gain attention.
Use a reader
Get someone to read through what you have written. Do they understand everything? Or do they have questions? This is a great way to make sure that your blog will resonate with your audience.
There’s one more key rule to creating great content
Answer a single question. This is a good way to come up with a subject, if you are struggling. Make sure your question is really specific. This allows you to focus on just one subject. It makes your content easier to read.
Follow these rules and you will gain more readers
These rules apply to all sorts of written content: blogs, white papers and social media posts. If you worry that people may be giving up on reading your blog then this maximises their chances of reaching the end.
Did you know I offer content services?
I write white papers, blogs, case studies and social media posts. I also read and review content and teach people how to write content. Contact me to find out more.