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Why personal brand is so important when selling print

Why to do many printing companies spend so much time on branding? Choose a consultant and the chances are that you will know their name but not their company name. If you are buying print you are much more likely to think of the name of your contact at the company before the company name. Mark Schaefer recently wrote a compelling post on personal versus corporate brand. His conclusions? Corporate branding really only works for large brands that are trying to create a point of differentiation. Even then, it is virtually impossible to work out how much extra revenue is attributable to…

It’s time to be accountable!

You are more likely to achieve if you are accountable  What do you need to achieve on a regular basis?What special goals do you have right now? Having to report in to someone focuses the mind wonderfully! Here’s a simple accountability process Write your goals or tasks down Give the list to someone you trust Tell them you want to check in with them every week Ask them to chase you if you don’t check in That’s it! What happens if you don’t achieve what you set out to? That’s the beauty of accountability: with the right person, you can…

How to improve print sales by using a habit tracker

How long does it take to make a habit? A study from the European Journal of Social Psychology found an average of 66 days was required to form a habit. T takes even longer to turn a habit into a ritual, where you do something without thinking. Habit is important for a sales person I have seen many sales people come out of training courses promising to do new things that will help them achieve better results. However, very quickly they get bogged down with what they have always been doing. They stay in their comfort zone. How do we…

UKvUSA:  Print Sales Strategies for Summer  

Want to keep your presses busier over the quiet summer period? Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn are here to help! 👉   Summer happens every year! Let’s plan for it 👉   Ideas for last minute strategies 👉   Engaging with your community 👉   The power of events 👉   Thinking about later in the year as well What are your plans for this summer? (Scroll down for all the show links and also a transcript) PS If you liked what I had to say, make sure you sign up below for regular updates from me Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And…

Do you want to become 37 times better at selling?

It is not as hard as it sounds! Just make a small change every day. One that makes a one percent different to your results. By the end of a year you will be 37 times better. And it works: small changes transformed the British Olympic cycling team from an, at best, mediocre cycling team to the leading medal winners in the 2008 Olympic games.  You can find out more about the cycling success and the maths here. What small changes can you make to your sales habits? I’m not going to list 52 ideas, but here are three to…

Why loyal customers are not as good as sticky customers 

Do you have loyal customers? Loyal customers love what you do. They are big fans of your company. They choose to stay with you. Loyalty can be lost It is easier to lose loyalty than many people think. If you make an error your client may no longer be a fan. If there is a change in personnel, the personal relationship that has built loyalty can be broken. Even rumours, whether they are true or not, can stop someone from being loyal. Sticky customers stick around for longer A loyal customer is one who chooses to stay with you. A…

UKvUSA: How to Get Sticky with Print Customers 

In our latest episode, Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn discuss the vital importance of having sticky customers: 👉   What is a sticky customer? 👉   The (big) difference between sticky customers and loyal customers 👉   Ideas from us both on how to create sticky customers Do you have sticky customers? (Scroll down for all the show links and also a transcript) PS If you liked what I had to say, make sure you sign up below for regular updates from me Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them’ (worth £19/$29) right now * indicates required…

4 ways to create sticky customers

I have recently been writing about why sticky customers are so important Hopefully, you agree with me and plan to build your own base of sticky customers. But how does one create a sticky customer? Here are four ways to make it harder for clients to move to another supplier: Data As soon as you are getting involved with customer data you are on your way to stickiness. Firstly, hopefully, the customer will have carried out a detailed audit of your data security. They won’t want to do this every time they come across a potential new supplier.  Next, there…

The sticky customer test

Here’s a quick exercise that you should carry out Pick your top ten customers. And ask these three questions about each one of them: Why do they stay with you? For this question, you can’t answer service, quality or price. Everyone offers good quality and service, these days. And it is easy to find a cheaper price. You have to have a much better reason for them to remain. How easy is it for them to move? Would moving be a slow, painful and expensive process for them? Or could they just send their print jobs elsewhere if their reason…

What are sticky customers and why you need them

Are you losing customers? This is perfectly normal. Google suggest that you will lose 15% of your customers every year. According to the Customer Success Report the average B2B company has a customer churn rate of 6.7%.  There are a lot of reasons why you may be losing customers. The competition is constantly trying to poach your clients. Some customers will leave because they feel that they will be better looked after elsewhere. Others follow better prices. And some just stop using print. You need to win a lot of new customers just to stand still. Increasing customer retention rates by just…

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Get free access to your 10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them (worth £19/$29) here!

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You’ll also be signed up to the “Views from the buyer” newsletter where I share tips, stories and resources to do with selling print and related services

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