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This a great time of year for upsells

ABU Lots of sales trainers talk about Always Be Closing. At this time of year Always Be Upselling. What can you offer customers as an extra when they are placing an order?  At this time of year it is always good to remind people about: There’s one golden rule to remember Raise your prices for upsells. If they are placing an order on the spur of the moment, customers aren’t price checking. You have a great opportunity to make more profit! Want a step by step guide to upselling? Check out my Easy Upsells guide. It is a simple 8…

How do you write a good sales letter – 4 tips

A lot of people tell me they struggle to write a good sales letter It’s hard. How does one grab the prospect’s attention? Here are four handy tips: Sell a service A service is easier to differentiate from the competition compared to a product. Services are often valued more highly by buyers and they can be prepared to spend more on them. Also, services are also more difficult to compare than product specifications. It makes online price comparisons a lot harder. Use a before-after-bridge It starts by raising a problem that buyers will typically face (the before). Then it immediately…

#UKvUSA: Artisan Print – opportunity or hype?

It’s been a while since Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn have come at a subject from very different angles. So there’s some great debate as we discuss: 👉   What is Artisan print ? 👉   What are the best ways for printing companies to benefit from it? 👉   How much of a full service offering should you promote? 👉   And, most importantly, what is Matthew’s favourite chocolate company?! Do you offer artisan print? PS If you liked what I had to say, make sure you sign up below for regular updates from me Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And…

Print Buying #UKvUSA: the Artificial Intelligence episode

What impact will AI have on printing companies? In this episode of Print Buying UKvUSA, Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn discuss: 👉   Opportunities for printing companies with the rise of Artificial Intelligence 👉   How printing companies can best work to benefit from AI 👉   Going phygital How will AI affect your business? PS If you liked what I had to say, make sure you sign up below for regular updates from me Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them’ (worth £19/$29) right now * indicates required First Name * Last Name * Email…

Artificial Intelligence will soon be producing print files: three reasons why this could be a problem 

AI generated files are coming Want to write a university-level essay? Create an image in the style of a well-known artist? Or create a piece of content? Artificial Intelligence is already carrying out these tasks on a regular basis. Content writers, artists and designers will soon be at threat from this new software. For printers, that means some content that you are printing has probably already been generated by AI. And it won’t be long until AI is creating “print ready” files. That creates potential problems In a previous article I demonstrated that much of the printing industry isn’t even…

Nine ways Artificial Intelligence will affect the print industry

Artificial Intelligence WILL change the printing industry Print is no different from any other industry: it will face major challenges and be offered big opportunities as AI becomes more commonplace. The pace of change may be high. In my last article I highlighted how many people were not prepared for the scope of change that is likely to be coming. In an attempt to make members of the print industry more informed about what might  happen, here are my nine ways in which I think AI will change our industry. Artwork The printing industry should be bracing itself for huge amounts…

Why the printing industry isn’t ready for Artificial Intelligence

Only one in three people think AI will have a major effect on print I ran a survey on LinkedIn on how people thought AI will affect the printing industry. There were 143 votes from a wide variety of roles and countries. I was shocked by the results. Nearly a quarter of respondents thought that AI would have no effect or only have a minimal effect on our industry. And over 40% thought that the effects of AI would really be seen in design and artwork. Results like this show just how under-prepared the print industry is for AI. AI…

Seven places you should use case studies

Many companies waste their case studies They put a lot of effort and resource into creating great case studies but not enough people see them. That’s because they are not sharing them enough. Here’s a checklist of where you should be sharing case studies: As specific pages on your website Case studies are worth their own page on your website. I recommend one per case study. They can work as highly effective landing pages. This means you can direct highly targeted social media posts (see below) to very specific and relevant content. As headlines on your website  Impressive results from…

Print Buying #UKvUSA: the environment episode

Is the printing industry really environmentally friendly? In this episode of Print Buying UKvUSA, Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn discuss print’s relationship with the environment, including: 👉   Greenwash in the printing industry 👉   Carbon offsetting: the brutal truth 👉   What practical steps can printing companies take to reduce their carbon footprint How do you measure up environmentally? PS If you liked what I had to say, make sure you sign up below for regular updates from me Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them’ (worth £19/$29) right now * indicates required First Name…

Who has sales potential at your company?

The role of the sales person is changing Maybe there is someone already at your company who could bring in more sales for you? Do you have a young member of staff who understands social media or is good at creating content? Is there a customer services person who is great at upselling? What about a press operator who gets on well with others and could persuade a few people they know to try your company out? You might not have to hire a new sales person Maybe you have enough skills with your current team. They don’t have to…

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Get free access to your 10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them (worth £19/$29) here!

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You’ll also be signed up to the “Views from the buyer” newsletter where I share tips, stories and resources to do with selling print and related services

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