Here are the statistics that prove selling through social media works
There are still plenty of people who don’t believe in social media
Some people still believe that it is only for the younger generation. Some believe that it is a branding tool but doesn’t serve any other purpose. Others believe that it is a distraction that stops sales people from getting on with proper selling.
These people are missing out on using an extremely valuable sales channel. I use social media to make a significant amount of my new sales. I have used it to win some very profitable and some highly prestigious clients.
Social media can win you new clients: here’s the proof

Do you use LinkedIn to win new business?
One company in the printing industry has adopted a social selling model. They have been educating their sales force to use social media effectively. It is winning them good results. They recently shared some data with me that you should be aware of.
Before I share the figures with you, it is important that you have some background. Firstly, I am not allowed to share the name of the company with you (although, naturally, I have permission to share the statistics). They do not wish their close competition to know exactly what they are doing. Secondly, this is not a one-off result. The data is gathered from a large sales team and from over 1,000 opportunities that they have won. Finally, this success is happening because they are putting their sales teams through a social media training programme.
Here is the first headline figure:
46% of their wins have been sourced through social selling
In other word, nearly half their new business started from social media activity. A further 7% of their wins were influenced by their social media activity. Now do you still think that social media is a sales channel that you can ignore?!
There are other reasons to use social media as well. The conversion rate of prospects was 32% higher when the prospects were sourced through social media. They also managed to convert prospects from social media 32% faster. Social media prospects are better business.
This company is using social media to identify new prospects with whom they are not in contact. They are reaching out and starting conversations on social media. They are finding this a very effective channel for creating these dialogues.
“Social media can win you new clients: here’s the proof”
— Matthew Parker (@PrintChampion) August 8, 2017
What can social media do for your sales results?
If you are not already using social media to generate new business then you should. For many people, this is hard. Social media is a new channel for them. They are not sure how to use it. It can be scary.
Learn how to create a social media profile that gets the right prospects wanting to connect with you
Check out “Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business”. You learn how to create a personal brand and share it successfully on social media. I can also train or and mentor you through this social media process. Contact me for details.
P.S. You can find out more ways to get the best out of your social media activity by downloading the free e-guide below.You’ll also be signed up to “Views from the buyer” where I share tips, stories and resources to do with selling print and social media.