Here’s the secret to successful print sales in 2021
If you want to achieve successful print sales next year you need to start planning now
Here are all the questions for successful print sales you should be considering at the moment:
- What will my 2021 offering look like? What products and services are working with customers who are surviving the current pandemic and fallout?
- What does my financial target look like? How much business do I need next year that allows the company to survive and takes into account customers that I have lost but also any reduced business costs?
- What is the best way of communicating with my ideal customers right now?
- How much sales activity do I need to make in order to win the right number of customers?
- How am I going to check that this activity is achieving the right results before it is too late?
- How will I make sure that I am going to carry out the right activity consistently?
When you can answer all these questions you are ready and prepared for next year! Successful print sales can become a reality.
Do you need some help with this?
On Thursday 10th December, I am running a two-hour webinar on realistic sales planning and creating successful print sales projects. The content has been created specifically with 2021 and the current situation in mind. The takes place at 3.30pm UK time (so it will work for most people in the US and Canada as well). Those who book a place also receive a recording, so don’t worry if you can’t make this time.
Book your place now
Do let me know if you have any questions: just use the contact page to get hold of me.