How algorithms disadvantage print
Algorithms are biased
Most are focused on giving you more of what they think you want to or should see. If you have a favourite team, the algorithm will always tell you more about that team. And it will hide information about other teams.
That sounds great in theory, but it prevents us receiving a balanced view of life.
So what’s this got to do with print?
Whilst the algorithm might help us focus more on our preferred hobbies, it is less helpful in business. If I am a marketer and I see some interesting articles on digital marketing, the algorithm will assume I want more of this. It is much more likely to hide content that shows how print is an effective marketing channel.
One task for the printing industry is to make as much good content about print as possible and get as many people as possible to click on the link. Some printing companies produce regular, interesting content. Others are not so good at this…
Print can subvert the algorithm
Print is not biased. It doesn’t judge who reads it and who doesn’t. If you have clients who struggle to cut through the algorithm, print may be the answer.
How do you create the right sales message for promoting print to digital marketers?
Check out How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price where you learn how to create powerful sales messages for all sorts of target markets, no matter what type of print seller you are.