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How to improve print sales by using a habit tracker

How long does it take to make a habit?

A study from the European Journal of Social Psychology found an average of 66 days was required to form a habit. T takes even longer to turn a habit into a ritual, where you do something without thinking.

Habit is important for a sales person

I have seen many sales people come out of training courses promising to do new things that will help them achieve better results. However, very quickly they get bogged down with what they have always been doing. They stay in their comfort zone.

How do we create habit?

One way to create new habits is to use habit tracking software. Here is a link to eleven different habit-tracking apps.

However, I haven’t used any of them. I simply set a daily task in my to do list app and this ensures that I carry out new (and not so new) sales activities on a regular basis. Hit reply if you want to find out what I use.

Here are three useful habits for a sales person

  • Make sure you make a certain amount of contacts with new sales prospects each day. Or, even better, try ten contacts before 10am.
  • Ask for a certain number of referrals every week
  • Help a social media contact daily. Or ask them for a get to know you call

Find out more on creating the right sales habits

Check out my pdf book “How To Succeed At Print Sales” – it’s full of strategies to make the most of your sales time.

Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them’ (worth £19/$29) right now

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