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What do you do when buyers tell you they have a lower price?
(Learn how to make prospects want to choose YOU, even if you charge more)


Are you always being undercut on price?

Imagine winning work without having to make the conversation all about price

Many people believe that giving clients the lowest price is the only way to win business. Other printers seem to be desperately cutting prices just to keep their machines running.

If you’re going to compete on price the only way to do that is to cut your own margins. But what happens when price is getting so low that it’s not covering your overheads?  Worst case scenario, if you carry on reducing prices, and potentially having negative margins, your company is not going to be sustainable.

Wouldn’t you like to find it easier to sell print and make good profits?

Imagine having clients who will go out of their way to work with you. Imagine having clients who are even prepared to pay extra so that they can work with you and your company.

Think of the relief of not having to constantly worry about what you need to do to win that next job. Wouldn’t you like to break the cycle and stop ending up in price battles again and again?

That’s why I’m going to tell you about a system that can help you create a message that helps you achieve those results.


Introducing “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price”

I’ve been buying print for more than 20 yearsI’m Matthew Parker:

  • I have received sales pitches from over 1,400 different printing companies
  • I know exactly how print buyers react to different ways of doing things
  • I know exactly what sales approaches work for a buyer and which don’t

I don’t have a background in sales. That’s what’s allowed me to stop focusing on the traditional sales methods that don’t work. Instead, I concentrate on how the buyer’s mind works instead.

Many of the 1,400 sales pitches I received from printing companies actually encouraged me to buy on price. But every now and then I received an approach from a printing company that not only encouraged me to work with them, but actually persuaded me to pay more to use them.

When I started up Profitable Print Relationships, I took time out to work out exactly what it was that made me want to work with certain printing companies. I looked closely at why I was happy to spend more money in order to use them.

Recently I paid 12.5% more than the lowest price quoted on a print job. And I was happy to do so

  • I know exactly what the printer did to make me want and need to choose them
  • I know exactly how their sales pitch made me happy to ignore lower prices

Now I’m sharing the results of my studies with you. I’m also sharing the key reasons why buyers so often choose on price. Most importantly, I’ve created a simple, three-stage process to stop buyers treating you as a commodity supplier. You learn exactly how to put this system into practice quickly. It’s the same process that print companies have paid high consultancy fees to me, to teach them.


“I am getting more quotes so something must have worked”

The cost of Matthew’s book may seem off-putting.  However, my sales message I feel has vastly improved.

The part of the book that I found particularly interesting and informative was how to make your sales message have a difference and the benefits of this. My key learning was that potential clients do not want to hear about our machinery or man power – they want to know what we have to offer them.

The case studies throughout the book were very helpful.  The way the book is set into parts makes easy reading and makes looking back easy also.  The action points at the end of each chapter make you think about what you have just read and remember it.

I would recommend his book as I think it can help sales agents that use a different method not just marketing.  It is a very informative read.”

Laura Wilkinson, Sales Executive, Whitesprint

Here are five of the most common errors I see in print sales

If you want to shake hands on a print deal you need a sales message which focuses on the buyer’s world

  1. Assuming that you’ll only win the job if you discount your price
  2. Assuming that buyers only care about price
  3. Assuming that you can get away with one sales message that will suit everyone
  4. Asking for quotes (that may sound crazy, but it’s true)
  5. Telling prospects about your great service and quality

t’s mistakes like these that lead to the unrealistic and unsustainable pricing that many of your competitors are trying to survive on. These mistakes erode everyone’s margins. Worse still, they actually encourage buyers to choose on price.

And here’s a big myth about sales skills

There are a lot of sales “gurus” out there who teach you that you need traditional sales skills. They say it’s all about creating features and benefits, objection handling, USPs and getting quotes through the door. That’s all well and good, but these tactics aren’t engaging buyers any more. It was these tactics that encouraged me to buy on price.

So that’s why I’ve created “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price”. I’m proud of the fact that this system is practical and easy to put into use, so that you can make sure that you really benefit from this system. I’m proud that it’s not about cold calling and objection handling. Few of us like managing sales in this way. Unlike other sales systems, I focus on how the buyer’s mind works. It’s the key to winning the right clients at the right margins.



How long does it actually take to implement this system?

Everyone in the printing industry is being asked to do more and more at the moment. The last thing you need is a new strategy that takes days or weeks to get going. But the three-step system in “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price” is quick to implement. All you need is an hour with one of your current customers and a little bit of brainstorming time. You can literally be up and running with this the day after you read the book.

Not everyone feels that they can change their ways

There are a lot of traditional print sales people out there. But I’m not giving you any complicated processes or strategies. I’ve taught this at live workshops all over the world and I’ve never seen someone not create a successful sales message using this system.

Remember the cost of keeping things the way they are

Look at all those companies with rapidly reducing turnover and margins. They’ve been forced to discount their prices because they don’t have an effective sales message. I’m giving you an alternative for less than the typical cost of fuel to a client meeting.

“Best $83 I ever spent”

I purchased your “How to Stop Print Buyers Choosing on Price Book”.  I thought it was excellent.

I have begun to put together a sales and marketing plan based on the model in the book.  The message is starting to be heard.

Of all the points in the book, this one might be the most critical.  With regard to finding the pain points of the target customer, the pain may not deal with printing.  I really had never thought of it that way.  I don’t know this for a fact, but I think that is a huge shift from where the industry used to be.  Ironically, I went to meet a small publisher the day after I read the book and she made that exact point to me.  Her biggest pain point is data management.  She was happy with her printers, but I got a clear indication they were just printers.  They had done nothing to solve her pain or become “sticky”.

I did not pitch anything at the meeting, just asked and listened.  But I know exactly what solution I am going to offer her before I ever discuss printing their titles.

Thanks for the great information.  Best $83 I ever spent.

Mark Pitzele – Thomson Reuters



So here’s what you learn

Why buyers choose on price
  • Why most print sales messages mean that buyers are forced to choose on price – even if they don’t want to – pp19-22
  • Three vital errors that many print sales people make – and what they should do instead – pp24-5
  • How some sales people actually encourage buyers to choose on price – and how to start making prospects think about value – p27
 Choosing the right prospects
  • Why you can focus on fewer prospects and still win more customers – pp32-36
  • The secret to choosing profitable prospects in under five minutes – pp38-39
  • Multiple target audiences: how to keep your presses full – pp41-44
 Getting prospects to buy
  • Why making your prospects feel pain will make them buy from you (and how to find your prospects’ pain) – pp50-54
  • Find the right solutions to make your customers buy print – right now – pp56-57
  • Solutions drive sales? Absolutely. But only if you talk about them at the right time – p59
Getting prospects to buy from YOU
  • Why your sales message can help a prospect choose your competitors – and what to do about this – p68
  • 98% of printer’s ‘differences’ don’t make them different: how to find an effective way to be different – pp74-78
  • Three words to make yourself stand out from the competition – pp81-82
New ways to use your sales message (premium version only)
  • How to get customers to call you, even if they’ve never spoken to you before – pp88-89
  • Content marketing: how to use it successfully in print sales – pp101-103
  • The truth about some sales people alienate their prospects in under 5 seconds – p94



“I was using this information at a client’s facility the very next day after reading it!”

It’s easy to put off the purchase of books, but the title of this book particularly jumped out at me.

I found many things in this book that inherently all good sales people should know, but can easily be swayed away from. I myself was also a buyer of print in the past. Price is one thing, but almost always not the foremost consideration.  Matthew’s message and writing style was crystallized into language that gave specific tips and instructions on how to differentiate your sales approach.  Very good reading for anyone in the graphic arts industry.  I know I will go back over this book more than once.

I loved the section about discovering the customers’ pain points. I was using this information at a client’s facility the very next day after reading it!

There are excellent specific industry examples of how to apply these new techniques.  Two other useful sections focus on how to derive higher success by focusing on smaller sub sectors of sales prospects and how to develop multiple target audiences.

I would highly recommend this to all print industry sales people. Matthew Parker speaks from experience as a print buyer and gives a unique perspective to the trap sales people can fall into regarding an over-focus on price. If you want to get out of commodity type, price driven print sales, this is the road map for getting there!

Great job Matthew!

Martin Pugh – Director of Development, Sales & Marketing , Houchen Bindery Ltd.

This book comes with our rock-solid “it’s not for me” guarantee

We think you’re going to be really happy with your purchase.  But it’s just possible that you may read the book and feel that you haven’t learned enough to justify the price.  Or that you’re worried about putting it into practice and risking your current relationships.

If that’s the case you’ll be able to get your money back.  This e-book is covered by the “it’s not for me” guarantee.  If you are not happy with this product simply let us know and we will happily refund your money.  You don’t need to make up an excuse, and you don’t have to return anything.There’s only one condition: please tell us the main reason you weren’t happy with the product, so we have a chance to make it better. So, in the unlikely event that you really don’t feel that this e-book is for you, you’ll get your money back with a smile.  And, by the way, this guarantee lasts 30 days.




Invest in “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price” today

When you invest in “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price” today here’s what you receive:

The “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price” pdf-book – value $59

How to stop print buyers choosing on price is a 118pp e-book.  You learn a three-stage process for creating engaging sales messages You receive case studies, showing how actual printers implemented these methods.  You see how they implemented this at each stage.  You receive action points at each stage in the book so that it is easy for you to put it into practice.

The pdf book also includes a complete extra section on new ways to attract and engage with customers worth $22.  Wouldn’t it be nice to do less cold calling?  And wouldn’t you like to communicate regularly with hundreds of customers without the time traditionally associated with this?  You’ll find out more about how to achieve this in the bonus section.  And you’ll also learn:

  • How to get customers to call you, ready to buy straight away (even if you’ve never spoken to them before)
  • How to have prospects eagerly await your contact (and how to alienate them in under five seconds)
  • How printers lose business by playing hide and seek with their customers

You also receive the MP3 audio version, value $29. Many people have a lot of spare time when driving or travelling.  So we’ve put together the audio of the book for those who purchase the premium version.  Some audio books are boring and monotonous.  But not this one.  We’ve worked hard to make it right up there with the very best audio books.  This audio recording works with all MP3 players and computers.

When you purchase the premium version of this pdf-book you receive the How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price Action Plan – value $39

I’ve shared all the resources that I use when I create sales messages for my clients. Here’s what you receive:

  • My target market profile sheet.
  • The script I use when interviewing clients.
  • The three-stage process to creating a meaningful company difference
  • My elevator pitch construction process
  • Three more example TPD sales messages
  • A 21 page instruction pdf

I’m sharing some powerful and effective resources with you. This action plan shows you exactly what to do with each of the tools. I take you through the process that I use in detail. At the same time, I’ve made sure that you get just the right amount of information: you won’t suffer from overwhelm.

The platinum version includes personal help from me – worth $440

If you are learning a new process and want the very best results, it is useful to have expert guidance and personal tuition. I’ll personally review your new sales message and give you my detailed feedback by e-mail. We’ll also have a 45-minute 1-2-1 Skype call to take you through my feedback and answer any questions you might have. If I were charging this at my normal consultancy rates the bill would be $440.

Purchase “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price”

"How to stop print buyers choosing on price" PDF book Regular Premium Platinum
"How to stop print buyers choosing on price" PDF book - worth $59
Full set of MP3 recordings - worth $29
Premium Bonuses
"How to stop print buyers choosing on price" action plan - worth $39
Platinum Bonuses
Personal review of your new sales message, feedback by e-mail and 1-2-1 45 minute skype call (worth $440)
£37.5 exc. VAT £50 exc. VAT £170 exc. VAT
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How long have you been trying to battle against cheaper prices?

The unrealistic and unsustainable pricing that your competitors are charging isn’t going to go away. There is always a cheaper price. There always will be.

If you want to stop the relentless focus on prices you have to adopt new sales strategies. Most people struggle to create effective new sales strategies without some guidance. So if you are serious about trying to win profitable customers it’s time to take action.

You have a choice: you can invest in “How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price” (Remember, it costs less than the fuel bill for an average client meeting). Or you can find that you are still facing exactly the same problems in a few months’ time.