Nine ideas for selling print during the coronavirus pandemic
Business is tough for everyone right now
Many owners of printing companies have told me that business has fallen off a cliff. The events sector has no requirements. Most supermarkets are prioritising food deliveries over point of sale. Some magazines have moved temporarily to digital. These are just a few of the hits that the printing industry is taking right now.
But there is also good news
Several printing companies have reported good orders from new customers who are turning to print to market their businesses. Businesses are still trying to trade as much as possible: print can help them.
Naturally, how applicable these are will vary from country to country and the state of lockdown applied by governments. However, even if you are unable to trade at the moment, these ideas will still come in useful when limited lifting of restrictions applies.
How can we help businesses during these times?
Below is a list of ideas that I have created or seen advertised elsewhere. Not all of these will work for every company. Many are more suitable for small to medium sized printing companies. But I hope they will give inspiration and show that there can be hope at the moment.
- Some of your clients may want signage or banners to advertise the fact that they are open and trading at their premises
- Health and safety signage will still be a big area as businesses reopen
- When restrictions are eased, many of your customers may wish to leaflet local areas to remind people that they are still trading
- They will also need distancing signage, printed safety screens and potentially printed personal protective equipment – just like the ones on sales from Where The Trade Buys in the picture above
- Some companies have switched to home working and need a way to handle their mail more efficiently. Those printing companies with mailing facilities may be able to handle the printing and posting of documents. By combining clients, you may also be able to reduce companies’ postage bills. This may lead to a new business stream in the longer term.
- Hygiene companies are going to be busy at the moment. Many may wish to advertise the fact that they can deep clean infected premises with a direct mail campaign. These might be other businesses or personal homes
- Restaurants are busy converting to a takeaway/home delivery model. Where possible, they should be leafleting local houses to let them know that this is an option or sending them a menu
- If they are adapting to a takeaway model, they will also need labels and packaging
- Those of you who also offer website and app development may also be in a good position. I have heard that there are a lot of small local business that suddenly want to get online and have an e-commerce option
If you have supplies, the promise of a free toilet roll for every order over a certain amount could well bring in a lot of business!
Remember to help the community as well
How can you help local community and support groups that need to get information out?
Consider distributing cards that advertise that someone is self-isolating or green and red cards that let people show whether they are OK or need help
Local parents will be very grateful for any spare paper or drawing packs to help keep their children amused
These sorts of strategies are best done free of charge. However, you will be remembered for them.
All businesses are having to adapt at the moment
This includes printing companies. It is important to be creative and see what you can do in order to create new business opportunities. It will still be tough out there, but there is plenty we can do to try and lessen the pain.