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Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business


Have you ever bought a house?

You would think that it is a decision on which you should spend a lot of time. However, estate agents tell me that most people make up their minds extremely quickly. In fact, many people decide whether they could potentially live in a new home in less than a minute.

If you’re selling a house you may have spent a lot of time and effort to make it look its best. But now someone many decide it’s not the home for them in less than 60 seconds.

Looking at a social media profile is a bit like viewing a house

How do you get someone’s attention on social media?

You probably have less than 60 seconds to grab someone’s attention. That’s why it’s vital to have a compelling profile on your social media channels. It’s your chance to convince someone that is worth spending time building a relationship with you.

If your profile isn’t right, you will get passed by. People will see no reason to connect with you. You will fail to achieve your social media goals.

Many social media profiles that I see are simply not compelling enough. They give prospects no reason to connect. I even see this on many social media profiles of people who spend a lot of time on LinkedIn and Twitter.

So how do you build a good profile?

My name is Matthew Parker. I win nearly all my new business through social media. I have had people contacting me ready to buy my services. Some of these contacts have been from large global corporations that I’d never dream of reaching out to.

But none of this success would have happened if I didn’t have the right social media profile.

Don’t just listen to me

One large company in the print sector measured their social media success. An incredible 46% percent of their new clients were sourced through social media. Not only that, these new clients converted over 30% faster than prospects sourced through other channels. The conversion rate of these prospects was also one third higher.

Still not convinced?

Research company Sirius Decisions tracked the journey of the today’s buyer. 67% of the average buyer journey is carried out online. So if you do not have a compelling social media profile you are going to missing out on a huge number of opportunities to connect with new customers. You are simply giving business to the competition.

Saying that you work for a printing company is no longer enough on social media. There are literally thousands of people on LinkedIn that have a profile that mentions print sales.


So how do you stand out from the competition?


Introducing: Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business

This e-book teaches you how to craft a social media profile that will win you new customers. It includes all the issues that you need to cover in your profile. This isn’t just about social media: it’s about creating the right personal profile and understanding what you want to achieve from this profile.


Here are just some of the things that you learn when you purchase this book

  • The difference between social media profiles that get your target prospects reaching out to you and those that are swiftly ignored by people who could be your perfect customer
  • Your social media profile should appeal to everyone, right? Wrong! The best profiles are laser focused on your ideal target connection. Learn how to achieve this
  • Why the job title on your business card almost certainly won’t cut it on social media
  • The importance of keywords in social media
  • The right imagery to use in a social media profile, and why the wrong images can turn prospects away
  • Why you should avoid a professional photo on social media
  • How to make the best use of a background image
  • Why driving prospects away from social media can be a powerful strategy
  • How to include contact details so that people are encouraged to get in touch with you (but you aren’t overwhelmed with spam e-mails)
  • Five types of supporting evidence that you should feature in your social media profile
  • How to ensure that someone takes the next step with a call to action (a call to action is missing from 94% of the social media profiles that I have visited)
  • Four powerful calls to action that encourage a prospect to get in touch with you
  • Three tactics that you must action if you want to gain results from your social media profile – if you do not carry these out then the chances are you won’t achieve any of the results you were hoping for


“I wouldn’t have put much stock in the value of social media in selling”

 I was of the mindset that LinkedIn was primarily a tool for finding a job and networking. I’m still at the beginning of my social media sales journey. However, I will say that I have connected with about a dozen people at companies in which I’m interested and have set up phone calls with some of those contacts. It is significantly less painful if you can engage with a new prospect who is warm rather than ice cold.

I liked that the book didn’t speak in broad theory, but actually offered actionable steps to improve ones social media presence. I enjoyed the use of evidence and data to establish the premises of the arguments.  The inclusion of your TPD principle was also very useful. It’s a simple, straightforward principle included in a simple, straightforward book.

Everything is kept at a fundamental level which makes it easy to digest and action. It’s not long, but gets enough across to allow you to have an immediate impact on your social media presence. I read the book in about 2 hours which has been a worthwhile investment.

I would recommend this book because it isn’t a large investment in terms of time or money and the return on that investment for a social media seller is large.

Craig DuBose, Digital Inkjet Professional| Corrugated Cardboard Sheet & Metal Sheet Decoration Print Specialist, Fujifilm UK

Beware! This book is not for everyone

  • It’s not for those who aren’t prepared to invest a small amount of money in this book
  • It’s not for those who can’t be bothered to spend a little time making a big difference to their social media profile
  • It’s not for those who are closed to new ideas
  • It’s not for those who won’t believe in social media and the powerful results you can achieve from it
  • And it’s not for those who want a technical guide on ho to use the various features of social media platforms

But if you want inspiration and practical strategies on how to change up your social media game AND your personal profile then I recommend that you invest in this book and take a little time to put it into practice.

Surely creating a good social media profile is simple?

The practical aspects of how to set up a social media profile are perfectly easy. There are useful “how to” guides on each platform. But this book isn’t about which buttons to press. This is about what to tell your prospects and how to get that message across effectively. That’s the tricky bit about creating a social media profile that achieves results.

The majority of people on social media have dull profiles that will not engage their prospects. This means that you have a fantastic opportunity to stand out from the competition. But only if you create an outstanding social media profile.

So what makes this book different?

What makes this book stand out is its focus on using a call to action. Put simply, this book isn’t about making you look good. It’s about making the people that you want to connect with take action and make the next step in connecting with you.

“I am a big fan of Matthew Parker and the way that he takes the reader through his books”

I am a big fan of Matthew Parker and the way that he takes the reader through his books

It’s always good to get objectives on how to create a better social profile. In “Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business” book I got a deeper inside knowledge and understanding on how important it is to use your social media profile actively as part of your sales activity.

As always with Matthew Parker books I like the real life examples. They put things in perspective for me and therefore make me consider my own profile and how I use social media in terms selling.

I believe the examples really emphasise the importance of having a great social media profile. Another benefit of the book is the chapter on “Why focusing on fewer prospects gets you more customers”. One surprise is the chapter about titles. Now I understand why some people are using descriptive titles.

I would for sure recommend this book due to the very hands-on approach of Matthew’s book. “Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business” is an easy to use book and I am sure that it will benefit many in their effort to use Social Media to promote themselves and also the business they are in.

Morten B. Reitoft , TV for- and about the printing industry, Inkish

Here’s what you receive when you purchase “Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business”

  • 60pp e-book, packed full of tried and tested strategies to make your social media profile stand out
  • Written by someone who actually uses these strategies
  • Rock solid “it’s not for me” 30-day money-back guarantee

The premium version also includes these valuable bonuses worth £49.50

1)      MP3 Audio version – recording worth £22.50

Many people have a lot of spare time when driving or travelling.  So we’ve put together the audio of the book for those who purchase the premium version.

2)      Social media profile action plan – worth £12

A detailed, step-by-step guide, showing exactly what you need to do to put this book into action.

3)      Creating successful connections – worth £15

Building the right social media profile is essential if you want to connect with people. However, there are several other steps hat you should take when you invite someone to connect or when someone follows you. This guide makes sure that you have the best chance of creating a successful 1-2-1 dialogue with your connections. It also includes the message templates that I use.

The platinum version includes personal mentoring from me – worth £175

If you are learning a new process and want the very best results, it is useful to have expert guidance and personal tuition. I’ll personally review your profile and give you my detailed feedback by e-mail. We’ll also have a 30-minute 1-2-1 Skype call to take you through my feedback and answer any questions you might have about your profile or about social media in general. If I were charging this at my normal consultancy rates the bill would be £175.


This book comes with our rock-solid “it’s not for me” money back guarantee

We think you’re going to be really happy with your purchase.  But it’s just possible that you may read the book and feel that you haven’t learned enough to justify the price.  Or that you’re worried about putting it into practice and risking your current relationships.

If that’s the case you’ll be able to get your money back.  This e-book is covered by the “it’s not for me” guarantee.  If you are not happy with this product simply let us know and we will happily refund your money.  You don’t need to make up an excuse, and you don’t have to return anything. There’s only one condition: please tell us the main reason you weren’t happy with the product, so we have a chance to make it better. So, in the unlikely event that you really don’t feel that this e-book is for you, you’ll get your money back with a smile.  And, by the way, this guarantee lasts 30 days.

"Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business" PDF book Regular Premium Platinum
"Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business" PDF book
Premium Bonuses
"Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business" MP3 audio book - worth £22.50
Social media profile action plan – worth £12
Creating successful connections – worth £15
Platinum Bonuses
Personal review of social media profile, feedback by e-mail and 1-2-1 30 minute skype call (worth £175)
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How long have you been trying to win new clients by traditional methods?

Traditional selling by phone and e-mail is only going to become harder. You have a choice. You could continue the sales battle with ever worsening results. Or you could embrace social media, invest in “Five steps to creating a social media profile that generates business” and start achieving results!