How to find the right pain to sell print successfully
How do you identify pain?
Nearly everybody agrees that the most powerful way to sell these days is to use pain. But there’s a problem.
Why should you expect a prospect to share their pain with you?
If you’re speaking to someone for the first time, why would they take time out of their busy day to tell you about their challenges? Why should they help you to do your job?
But unless you can identify pain you’re back to selling on quality and service. That’s a sure fire way to end up making it all about price.
Here’s a simple way to get talking about the right pains without having to question your prospects
Ask your current customers what their pains are. They know you and trust you. Most will be happy to spend 20 minutes telling you about their business challenges.
Then, speak to a prospect that is a similar to the customer you have just talked to. It is extremely likely that they will be facing exactly the same pains and challenges as your customer. And you’ll be able to start selling on pain without having to interrogate them first.
Find out more about selling print successfully
Download your free copy of “Ten Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them” (worth £19/$29) right now
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