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Print Buying #UKvUSA episode 9: Holiday Shopping and Print Sales in 2020
How do printing companies make the most of the holiday season?
Listen to another interesting debate from myself Matthew Parker and Deborah Corn.
Deborah took me out of my comfort zone in this episode. We took this opportunity to be as creative as possible about holiday season opportunities. The results can actually applied to much more than just the holiday season.
Deborah even liked some of my ideas!
Make sure you listen right now. Here’s what we cover:
- Why we should support local independent retailers
- How the printing industry can do this – and a fantastic case study
- The importance of understanding a sector and how you can help them
- Solutions not print products
- What’s the role of the printing company for the customer today?
- How print can grow the independent retail community
- Opportunities for signage
- Helping commercial estate agents/realtors
- Sell print for Zoom meetings
Sounds interesting? Listen now!
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