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How the seven myths of print sales are destroying our industry – revisited

Do you use Google translate?

I find it a really handy resource. It has really helped me if I have been trying to understand something in a language that I do not speak.

However, I always take the results with a pinch of salt. Often, the translation is not entirely accurate. Sometimes, you could fail to understand the writer’s true meaning.  Sometimes, I think that has happened with my seven myths of print sales series.

The seven myths of print sales series has generated lots of interesting discussions

Sometimes print sales people don't hear what prospects think. Find out seven traditional ways of selling that rarely connect with prospects

Sometimes print sales people don’t hear what prospects think. Find out seven traditional ways of selling that rarely connect with prospects

I have really enjoyed the debate. And I have learnt from it too. But sometimes, it feels like people have read the articles in Google translate.

Part of the problem has been down to my desire to write controversial headlines! So I thought I would finish the series off by listing the seven myths again. There is a link to each of the articles. I have also included a quick overview of what I said in the article.

So here are the seven myths again:

The first myth of print sales: more sales activity creates more profit

Carrying out lots of traditional print sales activity will generate sales. But they are likely to be commodity sales. To generate more profitable sales it is better to focus on less prospects, but with a more advanced sales pitch.

The second myth of print sales: relationship selling brings in the business

If you want to make a sale you need to rely on more than just a good relationship. Buyers need good reasons to place work with a supplier. The relationship alone is not enough.

The third myth of print sales: prospects are fascinated by the features and benefits of your company

Successful sales focus on the prospect’s world, not the seller’s world.

The fourth myth of print sales: it’s the customer that makes it all about price

Many print sales conversations revolve around price. In my experience, it is often the salesperson that has focused the conversation about price rather than the buyer.

The fifth myth of print sales: customers only choose on price

Price is an important part of the sale. However, it is by no means the only part. Print sales people who assume that the lowest price will automatically win may be in for a disappointment.

The sixth myth of print sales: selling service and quality is a great way to get new customers

Every print company promises service and quality. The buyer expects these as standard. Print companies need to find other ways to set themselves apart from the competition.

The seventh myth of print sales: social media is bad news for print

Social media is an excellent sales channel for printers. It also offers value added sales for printers. And it shows the power of print in a world that is overcrowded with communication.

Remember why understanding the seven myths is important

Printers who realise that these are indeed myths will achieve better results from their sales. They have a better chance of creating powerful partnerships with their customers. They have a better chance of controlling a good sales pipeline. They will know that they will engage and convert prospects.

Printers who still believe in these myths will convert less prospects. They are less likely to achieve the results that they need in their sales efforts. The customers that they do win are more likely to treat them as commodity suppliers.

However, some print sales people will still disagree with what I have written.

How can you write about the subject if you’re not in print sales?

My background is in buying print. I have received over 1400 print sales pitches over the years. The seven myths series reflects my experiences from these sales pitches. They reflect the point of view of the buyer.

Naturally, you are unlikely to get any sort of result if you pick the wrong prospect. A lot of people have written to me to ask about how to qualify a prospect. That’s what I’ll be writing about in a new series of articles soon.

Here’s a quick action point for you

Sign up below to make sure you don’t miss the series. This time, I’ll try and write the headlines clearly. You won’t need a translation tool for them to make sense!
P.S. Make sure you don’t miss the series on qualifying your customer. Sign up right now to find out more about the seven myths of print sales and receive a free copy of “Ten Common Print Selling Errors and What To Do About Them”. – See more at:

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