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10 great ways to communicate with prospects and clients – do you use them all?

It’s good to be disruptive

Sometimes disruptive seems to be the new buzzword in business. We are always being told about the latest disruptive technology that we should adopt.

For the sales person, disruptive technologies might appear to be totally irrelevant. After all, it’s not got much to do with bringing in business, has it? Right?

Wrong! Disruptive communication can make all the difference as to whether you get to talk to a client or not.

What is disruptive communication?

It's no longer enough to rely on the phone to sell successfully

It’s no longer enough to rely on the phone to sell successfully

For sales people, disruptive communication means getting hold of prospects in ways in which they are not expecting. These days, everyone has become immune to phone calls and e-mail marketing messages. But, if we are approached by less common methods, we are likely to react.

Sales people who practice disruptive communication are more likely to get hold of their clients. They have a better chance of creating the relationships that they want. They are ore likely to achieve their sales and business goals.

Sales people who stick to phone and e-mail are likely to be stuck working harder and hard. At the same time, they will almost certainly be achieving less and less.

So here are ten ways to think about communication with clients

(Yes, some of them are not disruptive. But I wanted to give you a complete list.)

  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Text messaging
  • WhatsApp
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn messaging
  • Facebook instant messaging
  • Skype instant messaging
  • Skype calls
  • Mail

These are all channels that I have used to have successful sales conversations.

Some channels are more disruptive than you might think. Mail may seem very old-school these days. But it’s now becoming increasingly less common. As a result, it stands out. Prospects are more likely to react to it.

Here’s how disruptive communication worked for me

I had one client who rarely responded to my e-mails or phone calls. I knew he was happy to hear from me. He had said this several times when we had spoken. But cutting through the huge mount of communication he received was hard.

I noticed that he was active on Twitter. This was my route to success! As soon as I tweeted him or sent him a direct message on Twitter I received a very swift response. The Twitter notification was a new thing on his phone. He couldn’t resist responding.

Communicating in this way gave me the dialogue that made him a client.

Here’s one action point to start you communicating disruptively

Commit to using one new channel of communication from the list above within the next week. You may be surprised at the result!

Remember: it’s good to be disruptive.

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