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Why the most successful print companies tell their customers what to do – and why this makes them more profitable

Do you ever put together flat pack furniture?  I don’t know about you, but when I first look at all the bits I tend to find it rather scary.  There always seem to be all sorts of odd pieces and I’m not sure where to put them. And then I read the instructions.  And suddenly everything falls into place.  Everything is simple.  But without the instructions I’d be totally lost.

Can customer charters reduce your print customer costs by 10%?

Don’t you hate it when an evening out does not turn out the way you thought? My wife and I went out for dinner recently.  We went to a restaurant with an excellent reputation.  We were looking forward to a nice meal before going out to a film. But the restaurant was busy.  We had to wait ages for our food.  And that meant that we had to eat our food in a hurry so as not miss the film.  We were not impressed. If only the restaurant had warned us that there was a long wait for food that…

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