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Why the most successful print companies tell their customers what to do – and why this makes them more profitable

Do you ever put together flat pack furniture?  I don’t know about you, but when I first look at all the bits I tend to find it rather scary.  There always seem to be all sorts of odd pieces and I’m not sure where to put them. And then I read the instructions.  And suddenly everything falls into place.  Everything is simple.  But without the instructions I’d be totally lost.

How three questions will get you great testimonials from your print customers

Sometimes I just don’t believe what my four year old daughter says. Occasionally she is trying to get out of trouble!  But more often than not she isn’t telling fibs.  She has just changed things round a bit.  And that is because she is saying what she thinks I want to hear.

How a customer can be your best sales person

Do you like cold calling? If you do like it, you are one of the lucky few who can get the most out of this activity.  Most printers that I know are just like me.  They will come up with any excuse to try and avoid picking up the phone to someone that they don’t know.  I’m not afraid to admit it.

Why the best print sales people think about scaffolding

Do you ever worry that you will get crushed by falling scaffolding? Many people look refuse to walk under scaffolding, just in case.  They make a point of walking round all scaffolding.  But the chances of being pulverised by steel bars is pretty small. Scaffolding installations have to be built according to a strict process.  There’s a set way to build up scaffolding.  The workmen have to carry out set steps in the right order.  It is this process that ensures that they have safe results every time.

Printers: how after-sales will improve your revenues by over 10%

I bought a very useful e-book recently.  But it wasn’t just the contents that were useful.  I was also impressed by the way that the company cared for me afterwards.  I received a number of e-mails.  They made sure that I was putting the contents of the book into practice.  And that I was benefitting from the results. I was so impressed that I had no problem in writing a glowing testimonial when asked.  And I recommended the book to others when it was suggested.

Three essential ways to save yourself from print sales extinction

“Are they very old Daddy?” My young daughter is fascinated by dinosaurs at the moment.  There’s nothing more she’d like to see than a dinosaur flying by!  I have to remind her that they are extinct.

Printers: the three questions that will raise your quote conversion rates by over 10%

The Olympics are coming to the UK soon! Winning a gold medal is the sports person’s dream.  So there is a lot of training going on at the moment.  After all, the more training they do the more likely the sports person is to win that gold medal.  It makes sense:  the more effort you put in the better results you will get.

The three feedback questions printers must ask their customers – do YOU use them?

Did you fear the end of term report at school?  I used to hate seeing what my school teachers had written about me! One teacher always used to write “Could do better”.  The trouble was that he never told me how I could do better.  And I never learned, because I never asked the right questions.

How customer feedback improves print company sales

Do you like free lunches? I have a friend who gets free sandwiches at least once a week.  She also gets drinks and cakes for nothing. Does this sound too good to be true? Actually, my friend is a mystery shopper for a chain of sandwich shops.  She gets free lunches.  And they get feedback on exactly how their shops are operating.

Printers: three more resolutions that will increase your sales in 2012

Do you remember school?  Do you remember getting your reports from your teachers? I remember one teacher who always wrote the same report:  “Could do more”.  It seemed that most people in my class received this report.  But now I realise that it is a great piece of advice to remember.

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