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20% of print companies will go bust in 2013 – why you need ICE to stay in business

I recently made a prediction to my newsletter list. I said that 20% of print companies would no longer exist by the end of 2013. I said that one in five print companies would go bust this year. This is a horrible prediction for me to make. I love the print industry. I hate seeing so many good companies go under. Nevertheless, I see 2013 as the final year for many traditional print companies.

What printers can learn from travel agents – how to improve print sales with three focus points

Imagine that you are going to a travel agent.  You want to book the holiday of your dreams.  You are all fired up about the beach or the hotel or the scenery or the food. Imagine if, instead of talking about the holiday, the travel agent started telling you about the plane.  They told you about the fuel consumption.  About how they were now able to heat meals three minutes quicker.  And about the safety processes that the pilot went through before take-off. Would that want to make you use that travel agent?  Most people would decide to choose someone…

How print companies force buyers to choose on price (and three ways to improve your sales message)

I’m tired of hearing the same old message from so many people in the print industry.  I’m tired of hearing that buyers are driving down prices. Some of you may think that I’ve lost the plot here.  After all, print prices are steadily declining.  Isn’t that down to the actions of buyers?

Why print companies that want to reduce sales costs need sticky customers

Do you have an iPhone?  Or an iPod? Or an iPad? If you have an Apple device like this you’ll be wedded to iTunes.  Every time you purchase some music or an app, you’ll be doing so from the iTunes and app stores.  And Apple will be making a profit.  But it’s difficult to avoid purchasing from them.  To get the best from your device, you need to purchase through Apple. You’re a sticky customer.  You keep coming back for more.

Why your sales message can help a prospect choose another print company (even if you’ve made a great pitch)

Can you imagine creating a great sales message to engage your customer?  It focusses on a small target audience.  It highlights a key pain.  And it shows that you have a fantastic solution to this pain. Can you imagine seeing the buyer’s eyes light up as you explain this to them.  Can you imagine the buyer exclaiming that this is exactly what they need? And can you imagine the buyer going to another printer and asking them to provide your solution? Wouldn’t you feel disappointed, frustrated and robbed of your rightful job?

How to use case studies to create compelling print sales pitches (why your customers will find it hard to say no to your multi-channel offerings)

Do you like watching detective shows?  Or reading crime novels?  It is fascinating how the detective puts together clue after clue.  And at the end they have the proof that catches the criminal.

Why I paid 12.5% more than the lowest quote for a recent print job (and was happy to spend the extra)

Many print companies tell me that print buyers only choose on price.  And that print buyers are only interested in the lowest quote.  Everything is about price.  And printers must focus on providing the lowest prices.

How print companies CAN get higher prices – case study 1

Price, price, price! I hear an awful lot of conversations at the moment about print buyers becoming ever more demanding on price. It is certainly a tough market out there.

How type 2 referrals can increase your print sales by 25%

How many people are you connected to on LinkedIn? The answer may not be as straightforward as you think.  I am highly networked on LinkedIn.  I have 1,430 connections.  But what is much more interesting is what is known as my second level network.  This network consists of people to whom my connections are directly connected.  According to LinkedIn I have 335,100 of these connections. That’s 1/3rd of a million people to whom my connections could introduce me.  Suddenly it seems that I could know a lot of people.  And that’s a lot of potential prospects. Naturally, not everyone uses…

How three questions will get you great testimonials from your print customers

Sometimes I just don’t believe what my four year old daughter says. Occasionally she is trying to get out of trouble!  But more often than not she isn’t telling fibs.  She has just changed things round a bit.  And that is because she is saying what she thinks I want to hear.

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