20% of print companies will go bust in 2013 – why you need ICE to stay in business
I recently made a prediction to my newsletter list. I said that 20% of print companies would no longer exist by the end of 2013. I said that one in five print companies would go bust this year. This is a horrible prediction for me to make. I love the print industry. I hate seeing so many good companies go under. Nevertheless, I see 2013 as the final year for many traditional print companies.

How print companies force buyers to choose on price (and three ways to improve your sales message)
I’m tired of hearing the same old message from so many people in the print industry. I’m tired of hearing that buyers are driving down prices. Some of you may think that I’ve lost the plot here. After all, print prices are steadily declining. Isn’t that down to the actions of buyers?

Why I paid 12.5% more than the lowest quote for a recent print job (and was happy to spend the extra)
Many print companies tell me that print buyers only choose on price. And that print buyers are only interested in the lowest quote. Everything is about price. And printers must focus on providing the lowest prices.

How print companies CAN get higher prices – case study 1
Price, price, price! I hear an awful lot of conversations at the moment about print buyers becoming ever more demanding on price. It is certainly a tough market out there.

How a customer can be your best sales person
Do you like cold calling? If you do like it, you are one of the lucky few who can get the most out of this activity. Most printers that I know are just like me. They will come up with any excuse to try and avoid picking up the phone to someone that they don’t know. I’m not afraid to admit it.

Why the best print sales people think about scaffolding
Do you ever worry that you will get crushed by falling scaffolding? Many people look refuse to walk under scaffolding, just in case. They make a point of walking round all scaffolding. But the chances of being pulverised by steel bars is pretty small. Scaffolding installations have to be built according to a strict process. There’s a set way to build up scaffolding. The workmen have to carry out set steps in the right order. It is this process that ensures that they have safe results every time.

Printers: three ways to increase profit margins from your clients by over 12%
Do you find print sales a hard slog? Do you feel that buyers are only interested in the lowest price? Do you feel that there is nothing you can do about this? When I wrote “How to Make Print More Profitable: The Print Industry Negotiation Handbook” I did a lot of research work for it. And I saw a number of situations where buyers did not choose on the lowest price.

Three ways printing companies encourage print buyers to choose on price
Lower! Cheaper! Prices slashed! Have you seen how many supermarkets always sell on price? It seems that they think they can only get customers by being cheaper than the competition. The trouble is that now most people choose their supermarket only on these messages. And that’s bad news for the supermarkets.