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The sticky customer test

Here’s a quick exercise that you should carry out

Pick your top ten customers. And ask these three questions about each one of them:

Why do they stay with you?

For this question, you can’t answer service, quality or price. Everyone offers good quality and service, these days. And it is easy to find a cheaper price. You have to have a much better reason for them to remain.

How easy is it for them to move?

Would moving be a slow, painful and expensive process for them? Or could they just send their print jobs elsewhere if their reason to stay disappears or if they receive an unbeatable price offer?

When did you last have a strategic discussion with them?

If you don’t have this sort of meeting with a client then they probably don’t see you as an important part of their supply chain. You are probably expendable.

Are your top ten customers as sticky as you think? 

These questions may give you food for thought!

How do you create the right sales message for a sticky customer?

Check out How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price. You learn a sales approach to attract the customer that you want.

Get your free copy of “10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them’ (worth £19/$29) right now

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