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How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price Masterclass

What do you do if your competitors are cutting their prices?

That’s all buyers seem to be interested in.  They won’t talk about anything else.  They don’t want to hear about your company heritage, your quality levels or your web to print software.

If you’re going to compete on price the only way to do that is to cut your own margins. But what happens when price is getting so low that it’s not covering your overheads?  Worst case scenario, if you carry on reducing prices, and potentially having negative margins, your company is not going to be sustainable.

But do you really have to be the lowest price to win?

There is another way.

There are a number of printers out there at the moment who are selling print and making good profits.  These printers have:

  • Clients who will go out of their way to work with them.
  • Clients who are even prepared to pay extra.

Wouldn’t you like to be one of those printers?

Wouldn’t you like to break the cycle and stop ending up in price battles again and again?

Announcing the How To Stop Print Buyers Choosing On Price workshop

By the end of this workshop you will have a system that will help you engage prospects and customers in a new way. You will find that your conversations will revolve less around price and more around how you can help their businesses.  You’ll find that you are having conversations about value rather than price. You’ll also find that prospects want to use you as their chosen supplier.

You will also find out some different ways of using your message that result in less cold calling and more warm prospects.

That means you will be winning work at higher profit margins.  You will find that customers will be more loyal.  You will using your sales resources more effectively.


This is how your prospects should feel when they receive a call from you

Who is this course for?
  • Company owners
  • Sales Directors
  • Sales people
What will you learn?

The day will focus on three main topics:

Why buyers choose on price

Many printing sales pitches actually encourage buyers to choose on price.  We’ll spend the first part of the day examining key factors that make conversations price based.  We’ll examine your sales message and actions to see if you might be encouraging people to focus on price.

The three elements of an effective sales message

Target audience is a vital strategy for print sales. Find out why and how to put it into practice

Most sales messages make print companies sound pretty much the same as the competition.  To attract the serious attention of a buyer, your sales message must have three elements:  target audience, pain and difference.  We’ll go through this message structure in detail.  You will build a sales message for your company based on these principles.

How to attract a list of prospects that want to speak to you

Cold calling is still the prime sales channel for the majority of print companies.  However, it’s an inefficient way of selling.  We’ll look at ways of regularly contacting hundreds of prospects.  These will be prospects who have actually asked to hear from you.  We’ll also examine how to turn this interest into orders.

At the end of the workshop you’ll have a brand new sales message for your most important prospects and customers.  You’ll also understand the process for creating more messages like this.  You’ll also come away with a strategy for attracting new prospects, engaging with them on a regular basis and turning them into customers.

“I was delighted at the level of delegate participation that Matthew was able to extract from my delegates given the initial reluctance of some of them”

Undoubtedly for us, a key strength of Matthew’s is that he knows the industry that we are working in. I’m quite sure that we could find a sales trainer from another industry that would be impressive but giving examples of selling cars, white goods or insurance would not be totally relevant to our market place.

I thought that the TARGET/PAIN/DIFFERENCE (TPD) section provided everyone with a useful tool to enable them to begin doing things differently from the very next morning. Matthew’s presentation style is very engaging for delegates that are a little reticent about being there and so encourages them to participate. The organisation and pacing of the day was perfect and Matthew managed to time frame very well, allowing enough time for discussion but not allowing any overruns.

My goal for the workshop was to get a team of very different individuals to explore new and different ways of engaging with customers and potential customers. From the initial contact and through planning discussions prior to the day, Matthew just instantly “got it” with all that we were trying to achieve during this day. Booking and the completion of paperwork was also very smoothly accomplished.

Dan Dean, Business Development Director, B&B Press

Here are the details of the workshop

This is a full day workshop.  Attendance is limited to a maximum of eight participants.  This ensures that all attendees receive plenty of personal attention and that there is sufficient time to discuss the issues raised.

  • All delegates will receive a pre-workshop e-mail briefing.
  • Everyone will work on practical exercises throughout the day.  They will learn by putting theory into practice.
  • Pdf notes are also provided from the day.
  • There is a 30-day e-mail help line after the event.

The workshop is run at a venue of your choice.

Booking details

To find out more or to check availability please contact us or phone us on 0845 6521572.

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